The Difference Between Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset Explained

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Hi, I'm Shauna!

I'm an RP Certified Macro Coach, Health Coach, Sober Friend, Hybrid Athlete & now Blogger! Also a 40+ Mom of two boys who loves living life to its fullest and sharing it with people who feel the same.  Life is short, we gotta squeeze it for all it's worth!

difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset

Ever wondered why some people seem to thrive in the face of challenges while others crumble? The secret might just lie in their mindset! As someone who’s been fascinated by human potential, I can’t wait to dive into the intriguing world of growth and fixed mindsets with you. Did you know that according to a study by Stanford University, students who were taught about growth mindset showed a 0.13 grade point increase compared to their peers? That’s huge! Let’s explore the game-changing differences between growth mindset and fixed mindset and how they shape our lives.

The Foundations of Growth and Fixed Mindsets

Let’s take a deeper look into the world of mindsets. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to thrive in the face of challenges while others shy away? Many times, it all comes down to mindset.

A growth mindset is like a superpower. People with this mindset believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. They’re the ones who say, “I can’t do it… yet!” On the flip side, those with a fixed mindset think their talents are set in stone. They might say something like, “I’m just not good at math” and leave it at that.

Carol Dweck, a brilliant psychologist, really put mindsets on the map with her groundbreaking research. She showed us how these different ways of thinking can shape our entire lives!

If you’re interested in diving deeper into how your mindset can impact your success, I highly recommend checking out Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck.

Here’s an Example Breakdown of the Difference Between Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset

Here’s an example using goal setting for an Ultra Run and comparing the difference between Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset.

AspectFixed MindsetGrowth Mindset
Belief about Ability“I’m either built for this, or I’m not.”“I can build the endurance through training.”
Approach to Training“If I struggle, it’s not for me.”“Every run makes me stronger.”
Response to Setbacks“This setback means I’m not capable.”“Setbacks are lessons for growth.”
View on Effort“If it’s hard, I’m not good at it.”“Effort leads to improvement.”
Reaction to Challenges“Avoid challenges to not get discouraged.”“Challenges prepare me for success.”
Response to Criticism“Criticism means I’m not good enough.”“Feedback helps me improve.”
Attitude towards Others’ Success“Their success highlights my shortcomings.”“Their success inspires and teaches me.”
Motivation During Difficult Times“This is too hard; I should give up.”“Difficulty makes the reward sweeter.”
View on Race Day Performance“If I don’t perform well, I’m not good.”“Race day is a learning experience.”
Response to Failure“Failure proves I’m not meant for this.”“Failure is part of the journey to success.”

How Mindsets Influence Learning and Development

Now, you might be wondering, “Does this mindset stuff really make a difference?” You bet it does! In school, kids with a growth mindset tend to embrace challenges and see them as opportunities to learn. They’re not afraid to put in the effort because they know it’ll pay off.

Think about learning a new skill, like playing the guitar. Someone with a growth mindset might say, “This is tough, but I’ll get better with practice.” A fixed mindset person might give up after a few frustrating attempts.

When faced with obstacles, growth mindset folks roll up their sleeves and get to work. They’re like, “Bring it on!” Fixed mindset individuals might throw in the towel, thinking they’re just not cut out for it.

This mindset magic doesn’t stop at school or hobbies. It plays a huge role in our personal and professional lives too!

The Power of “Yet” – Language and Mindset

Here’s a cool trick: the word “yet” can be a game-changer. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” try “I can’t do this yet.” Feel the difference?

The language we use, both in our heads and out loud, has a massive impact on our mindset. Growth mindset talk sounds like, “This is hard, but I can figure it out,” or “Mistakes help me learn.” Fixed mindset chatter? “I’m not smart enough for this,” or “I give up.”

Want to shift your thinking? Start catching yourself when you use fixed mindset language and try reframing it. It’s like giving your brain a little pep talk!

The Difference Between Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset in the Workplace and Leadership

Let’s talk about how this plays out at work. Employees with a growth mindset are often the ones volunteering for new projects and seeking feedback. They’re on a constant quest to improve and grow.

In leadership, growth mindset bosses encourage innovation and risk-taking. They see failures as stepping stones to success. Fixed mindset leaders? They might stick to what’s always worked and be less open to new ideas.

Some big-name companies have caught on to the power of growth mindset. Microsoft, for example, has made it a core part of their culture. They encourage employees to be curious, learn from mistakes, and constantly evolve.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset – Practical Strategies

Ready to flex your growth mindset muscles? Here are some tips:

  1. Embrace challenges – Next time something looks tough, think of it as an exciting opportunity to learn.
  2. Don’t take things personally – When you get feedback or criticism, try not to take it personally. Instead, ask yourself, “How can I use this to improve?”
  3. Develop your resilience. Remember, setbacks are just part of the journey, not the end of the road.
  1. Focus on the process, not just the end result. Set goals that emphasize learning and improvement.
  2. Celebrate your efforts and progress. Did you work hard on something? Give yourself a pat on the back, even if the outcome wasn’t perfect.

Remember, developing a growth mindset is a journey, not a destination. Keep at it, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck is a great book twith helpful tips to cultivate a growth mindset. I highly recommend!

To Summarize…

Wow, what a journey through the fascinating world of mindsets! We’ve uncovered the profound differences between growth and fixed mindsets and their far-reaching impacts on our lives. Remember, cultivating a growth mindset isn’t about being endlessly positive – it’s about embracing challenges, learning from setbacks, and believing in your ability to grow. So, what’s your next step? Why not try reframing one of your current challenges through a growth mindset lens? The power to shape your future is in your hands. Let’s unlock our full potential!

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