25 Habits to Build Mental Toughness in Everyday Life

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Hi, I'm Shauna!

I'm an RP Certified Macro Coach, Health Coach, Sober Friend, Hybrid Athlete & now Blogger! Also a 40+ Mom of two boys who loves living life to its fullest and sharing it with people who feel the same.  Life is short, we gotta squeeze it for all it's worth!

Mental toughness

I’ve run 15 ultra marathons to date, and I’m currently in prep for a 100-mile race that’s just three months away. That’s the thing about ultra running—it teaches you about mental toughness in a way few other things can. I’ve hit the wall, felt the fatigue, and questioned if I had what it takes more times than I can count. But here’s the truth I’ve learned: mental toughness isn’t some innate quality you’re born with. It’s built, one decision at a time, through small moments of discomfort where quitting feels like the easier option—but you don’t.

In this list, I’m sharing 25 simple habits that help develop mental toughness. Whether you’re prepping for your own ultra marathon, working toward a major life goal, or just looking to strengthen your resilience, these habits will help you stay mentally strong when it matters most.

25 Simple Habits for Mental Toughness

1. Start Your Day with Purpose
Mentally tough people don’t roll out of bed without a plan. They set an intention for the day. Before your feet hit the floor, think about what you want to achieve today.

2. Eat a Solid Breakfast
It’s not about a complicated diet, but fueling yourself right matters. Mentally tough people start the day with a balanced breakfast, focusing on protein and whole foods to keep energy stable.

3. Make Your Bed
Small wins set the tone for bigger ones. Making your bed in the morning creates order and gives you an early sense of accomplishment.

4. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Do something each day that makes you uncomfortable. Whether it’s taking a cold shower or pushing yourself in a workout, discomfort is the path to growth.

5. Prioritize the Hardest Task First
Tackle your most challenging task at the beginning of the day. Mentally tough people don’t procrastinate—they face difficult things head-on.

6. Stick to a Routine
Mentally tough people follow a routine. Whether it’s a morning workout or journaling before bed, structure helps them stay disciplined, even when motivation fades.

7. Control Your Inputs
What you consume influences your mindset. Cut down on distractions like social media and negative news. Mentally tough people choose books, podcasts, or activities that challenge and inspire them.

8. Set Micro Goals
Big goals are daunting, but mentally tough people break them down. Each small win moves them closer to success, whether it’s finishing a chapter of a book or hitting a daily step count.

9. Embrace Boredom
Toughness isn’t always about action. Practice being okay with boredom—whether it’s during a long run or a quiet moment at work. It strengthens patience and focus.

10. Say “No” More Often
Mentally tough people protect their time and energy. Learn to say “no” to distractions, unnecessary commitments, and things that don’t serve your goals.

11. Keep Moving
Even on low-energy days, mentally tough people move. This doesn’t mean intense workouts all the time—just a walk or light stretching keeps momentum going.

12. Reflect on Failures
When you fail, don’t avoid it. Mentally tough people reflect on what went wrong and use it as a lesson. Keep a journal to track these moments and what you learned.

13. Practice Delayed Gratification
It’s easy to chase instant rewards, but mental toughness comes from waiting. Skip the impulse to check your phone or eat that snack. This strengthens self-control.

14. Show Up on Bad Days
Mental toughness means showing up, even when you don’t feel like it. Whether it’s for a workout, a meeting, or a personal goal—consistency builds resilience.

15. Stick to a Sleep Schedule
Sleep is non-negotiable for mentally tough people. They stick to a regular schedule because they know rest fuels their ability to handle challenges.

16. Learn to Detach from Emotions
Don’t let feelings of frustration or stress control your actions. Mentally tough people pause and think before reacting, ensuring their decisions come from logic, not emotion.

17. Practice Gratitude
At the end of each day, list three things you’re grateful for. Mentally tough people focus on what’s going well, which boosts resilience and optimism.

18. Take Short Breaks
Pushing through without rest doesn’t make you tougher. Mentally strong people take short, strategic breaks to recharge, especially during long tasks or workouts.

19. Eat with Intention
Mentally tough people treat food as fuel. They make conscious decisions about what they eat to support their physical and mental performance, whether it’s before a workout or during a workday.

20. Challenge Yourself Physically
Whether it’s lifting weights, running, or trying a new fitness class, mentally tough people push their physical limits regularly. These challenges carry over into mental toughness.

21. Manage Stress Actively
Mentally tough people have a stress-management routine. This might include breathing exercises, meditation, or even going for a run. Find what helps you release tension.

22. Reframe Negative Thoughts
When a negative thought arises, mentally tough people immediately reframe it. Instead of “I can’t do this,” they think, “This is hard, but I’ll figure it out.”

23. Hold Yourself Accountable
Don’t let yourself off the hook. Mentally tough people hold themselves accountable to their goals and commitments, even when no one is watching.

24. Stay Humble, Stay Hungry
No matter how much they achieve, mentally tough people stay humble. They’re always looking for the next challenge, whether it’s a new goal at work or running a Spartan race.

25. Celebrate Wins, Big or Small
Lastly, mentally tough people celebrate every win, whether it’s finishing a project, hitting a workout milestone, or just staying disciplined. Acknowledging progress fuels future success.

In Conclusion

Mental toughness isn’t about being the strongest person in the room. It’s about how you handle the moments when you feel your weakest. Whether it’s mile 70 of a 100-mile race or a tough day at work, building resilience comes from small, daily decisions—choosing to show up, stay focused, and push through even when every part of you wants to quit.

These 25 habits aren’t reserved for athletes or people chasing massive goals. They’re for anyone who wants to become more resilient, to strengthen their mindset, and to prepare for life’s inevitable challenges. So, whether you’re just starting your journey or you’re deep into training for your next big race, remember: mental toughness is built every single day, one choice at a time.


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