I’m a fitness enthusiast who loves lifting weights and endurance running. Some days, my workouts are all about building muscle while other days, I’m all about endurance running. I’m often asked if it’s really possible to do both simultaneously, Can you build muscle and increase your endurance at the same time? Is it a myth that you can’t focus on both simultaneously?
The short answer is yes!
It takes a bit of skill and knowledge to do both effectively, but with the right timing, nutrition and training programs, it’s absolutely possible to lift weights for muscle growth and do endurance running.
Let’s dive a little deeper and let the science show us how.
Here are 5 science-based tips on how to train like a hybrid athlete.
Tip #1 – Optimize Your Nutrition

When it comes to optimizing your nutrition for building muscle and increasing endurance, the key is to focus on a high-protein diet. According to a study recently published in the European Journal of Sport Science, a high-protein diet is associated with greater muscle mass gains and improved endurance performance. The study compared the effects of a high-protein diet to a low-protein diet on muscle growth and endurance performance. The results showed that the participants who consumed a high-protein diet prior to and following exercise sessions had significantly greater muscle mass gains and improved endurance performance compared to those who consumed a low-protein diet.
In addition to focusing on a high-protein diet, it is also important to make sure you are consuming enough calories to fuel your workouts. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the amount of calories you need will depend on your age, gender, body size, activity level, and goals. To gain muscle, you will need to consume more calories than you burn, while to improve endurance, you will need to consume just enough calories to fuel your workouts.
Tip #2 – Time Your Workouts
The timing of your workouts is also important for building muscle and increasing endurance. According to a study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, it is better to focus on building muscle first and then on endurance running. The study compared the effects of focusing on either muscle building or endurance running first on muscular endurance and running performance. The results showed that when the participants focused on building muscle first, there was a significant increase in muscular endurance and running performance compared to when they focused on endurance running first.
In addition, the study also found that when the participants focused on muscle building first, there was a greater increase in muscle mass compared to when they focused on endurance running first. The study concluded that focusing on muscle building first and then on endurance running is the best approach for achieving both muscle growth and improved endurance performance.
Tip #3 – Design Your Training Program
When it comes to designing the right training program for building muscle and increasing endurance, a combination of strength training, high-intensity interval training, and endurance running is the best approach. According to a study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, this combination of exercises was most effective for building muscle and increasing endurance.
The study compared the effects of three different training programs on muscle growth and endurance performance: a strength training program, an interval training program, and a combination of strength training and interval training. The results showed that the combination of strength training and interval training was most effective for building muscle and increasing endurance performance. The study concluded that this combination of exercises is the best approach for achieving both muscle growth and improved endurance performance.
Tip #4 – Utilize Supplements
In addition to a well-balanced diet, utilizing supplements can also help to optimize your nutrition for building muscle and increasing endurance. According to a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, supplementing with certain nutrients can help to optimize muscle growth and endurance performance.
The study compared the effects of supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids, creatine, and branch-chain amino acids on muscle growth and endurance performance. The results showed that supplementing with these three nutrients was associated with significantly greater muscle mass gains and improved endurance performance compared to the control group. The study concluded that supplementing with these three nutrients is an effective approach for optimizing your nutrition for both muscle growth and improved endurance performance.
Tip #5 – Take Rest Days
Finally, it is also important to make sure you are taking enough rest days when trying to build muscle and increase your endurance. According to a study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, taking regular rest days is essential for optimizing both muscle growth and endurance performance. The study compared the effects of taking either a regular rest day or an active rest day on muscle growth and endurance performance. The results showed that taking a regular rest day was associated with significantly greater muscle mass gains and improved endurance performance compared to taking an active rest day.
The study concluded that taking regular rest days is an essential part of any training program and is necessary for optimizing both muscle growth and endurance performance. Taking regular rest days ensures that your body has the time to recover and adapt to the stress of your workouts, which is essential for achieving both muscle growth and improved endurance performance.

So there you have it!
With the right nutrition, timing, training program, and rest days, it is possible to build muscle and increase your endurance at the same time. So forget the myths, and get out there and start building that muscle and increasing your endurance!
– European Journal of Sport Science: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17461391.2017.1368650
– Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/2015/05000/Effects_of_Sequential_or_Simultaneous_Training_in.14.aspx
– American College of Sports Medicine: https://www.acsm.org/docs/default-source/resource-library/how-many-calories-do-i-need.pdf
– International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4596541/